Check out the Latest on SupawesomeLife® Relationships
Each of us individually are so unique and beautifully complex, when you bring two or more people together in a romantic relationship, friendship, work or community relationship things get even more beautifully complex. So why not just avoid relationships all together? Because we were made to connect with each other and bring out the best in each other. Join us as we explore some simple solutions to connecting with others and ourselves.
Do you love yourself enough to be alone with yourself?
With all of the interactions I've been having with people these days I'm observing a theme where people are actually afraid of being alone with [...]
How to have trusting and loving friendships
True, soulful and authentic friendships are a gift. A gift we are all worthy to have and a gift we all can have if we [...]
Do your relationships bring you joy or pain?
What do your friendships and relationships bring you? Love? Intimacy? Trust? Comfort? Laughter? Joy? Growth? Or do they manifest drama, angst, [...]
Are you afraid of being emotionally intimate with people?
We were made for emotional intimacy. How do I know this? Because we crave connection with others. Don’t believe me? Then try to go 48 [...]