About Edj Fish
Edj Fish
This is my SupawesomeLife® journey
I am the quintessential average guy that gave up being
average and is striving and exploring more.

I have spent my life doing what I think others and society expect of me, not following my heart. I believe we all have those key turning point opportunities in our lives, usually when we are in our 20’s, where we make the decision to either follow our heart’s desires and passions or choose the safe expected route.
When reviewing my 50 years of life, I realized I was the guy that would play hard short-term, by ice climbing, climbing mountains, and being hardcore into fitness, but would play long-term life safe, by leading a structured corporate life and settling down in the suburbs and living a life that I wasn’t in love with. I don’t belittle any of those choices, I just realized I was not following my heart. I was following my head and slowly dying in the process. I could feel it, but I didn’t have the courage to give up what many people strive to attain and what is supposed to be a great life.
When reviewing my 50 years of life, I realized I was playing hard short-term, but would play long-term life safe.
I strongly believe all of us have a purpose, a soul story, we were uniquely made to fulfill.
If we aren’t on the path to fulfilling that purpose, you either make the correction yourself or you will get a correction to your course. I call it the “God Whack”. At 48 years old, my life looked like it fell apart: a dramatic and painful divorce and being released from a 17-year career with the same company. What looked like a crumbling of a life, was truly a demolition down to the foundation to be swept away and ultimately a fresh start. I was given a gift. I had a lifetime of experiences doing life from my head and now I have the opportunity to do it again from my heart. This time my heart is leading and my head is following.
My career was spent in the food & beverage world of fine dining restaurants, luxury hotels and retail food sales. In every one of those evolutions of my work life, a constant throughout was my passion for helping people grow and learn. Whether it was customers learning about food & nutrition or employees growing into leadership roles, I found my desire was to teach, train and coach.

It’s perfectly clear to me now that my unique purpose
is a seeker of the truth, first for myself and then supporting
others in finding their truth, whatever stage of life they’re in.
This is my SupawesomeLife® journey.

Anything catch your attention?
Send me a message!